
Last Friday over seventy people gathered for evensong at Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford, and then enjoyed drinks and conversation as they queued to be the very first people to buy copies of The Possibility of Difference.

Revd Clare Hayns, Chaplain of Christ Church, welcomed everyone and Dave Gatward from Kevin Mayhew Ltd introduced the evening. We chatted about the book, about writing, about how I had come to do the work, the thinking, the soul-searching behind the words on the page. And questions followed - focussing on the Church's response, on how we manage (or fail) to work together, on how we help younger people, and (thanks to a great question from Rt Revd Steven Croft, Bishop of Oxford) how we can pray together going forward.

Here are a selection of photos, bringing something of the flavour of a wonderful gathering. And of course, the book is available from Kevin Mayhew or your local store.


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