it's today!

The Possibility of Difference is published by Kevin Mayhew today. Tonight there is a launch in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, with quite a gathering; I'll post more about that after the event!

But as I walked Harry, my Springer Spaniel, this morning, I thought about these words from toward the end of the book:

The Bible tells us there was one Victim and now by giving our lives to him, the rest of us get to be more than conquerors. 
The possibility of difference is not just about agreeing to disagree on another theological issue, but about ‘hope for a world that tears itself apart – a sign of what can happen with the love and mercy of God through Jesus Christ’.... It’s about the people I love who agree with every word in this book and the people I love who don’t, but we all belong to one another because we all belong to Jesus and his body, the Church. 
It’s about us taking seriously Bishop Curry’s words in Windsor on that sunny May afternoon: ‘Love is not selfish and self-centred. Love can be sacrificial, and in so doing, becomes redemptive. And that way of unselfish, sacrificial, redemptive love changes lives, and it can change this world’.

I am tremendously excited to get the words and thoughts I have worked on these last seven years or so finally out into the big, wide world. I hope they will offer some hope and some love to fellow gay Christians who need to see from the Bible just how much God loves us. And I pray that the way this hope and love is offered will help many, many folk in the Church to welcome all kinds of people as the fully equal children of God. 


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