exciting possibilities!

The Possibility of Difference - the book - is to be published in September by Kevin Mayhew!
"A measured, compassionate plea for a more humane argument about sexuality in the Church - a model of debate." Archbishop Rowan Williams
I am so excited about this. As an evangelical, and as a gay man, and being just the wrong side of fifty, I have lived through all sorts of attitudes and responses to gay people in the church... Our debates often, it seems to me, focus in the wrong places and depend upon un-knowables (what does St Paul mean by this word? Does this extra-Biblical text show us?) because we have let a mind-set become established where the whole Bible has only seven or eight texts that are relevant.

Hmm. Evangelicals don't work like that! On anything. Being an Evangelical scholar is about working with the whole of Scripture, knowing the nature and character of God, letting one thing work with another - and if it doesn't work, then it can't be right. 
"The church is starving for this book. The world is starving for the church to say what this book says." Tom Fuerst
For me, so much of the traditionalist argument plays fast-and-loose with so much of the rest of what we believe that it just can't be right. That's what my book is about. Working with the bigger picture. Joining the dots. To do that I work with the big places in Scripture, not just the handful of teeny-tiny texts that usually get thrown around in these books. 

And that makes me see that St Paul is the gay person's biggest defender because he is the destroyer of barriers between people. 'Neither Jew nor Gentile' is not a one-off throwaway line in Paul. It is one of his core beliefs - God in Jesus has changed humanity. There are no second-class people now. Not because of racism or sexism or any other thing. Including being gay. Or Australian. 
"Marcus clearly loves the Scriptures, wrestles with hard texts and in them finds a God who loves people - all people, whether straight or gay. I’m delighted he has written this timely book." Bishop Andy John
And yet - I'm passionate too because I love the church. I'm not ordained because I think I have lots to offer in ministry. I'm not an amazing priest, I'm too old to be a rising star and old enough to know enough of my own failings... I'm here because I love it. So part of my book is about putting arguments forward and inviting discussion, disagreement, and saying that this is how it should be. We don't need to agree: we do need to love each other and - as family - work together. As Michael Curry said at the Royal Wedding last weekend - there is a redemptive power in love.
"This book is a rich and warm resource, offering light where far too often we have only had heat.  I commend it, not only as a source of valuable teaching, but also – far more importantly – as an aid and a spur to honest, respectful and constructive dialogue." Ven Gavin Collins
To pre-order the book, click here which will take you direct to the Kevin Mayhew site.
And for now - here's some more commendations from those who have seen early copies...

  • "He succeeds in setting out  his views on gay identity, life-style, marriage and ministry in a way that is at once biblical, sensible, disarmingly easy reading and without rancour or stridency. It is the heartfelt witness of a fine evangelical minister." Peter Southwell
  • "An evangelical writing with a warm heart, full of love both for scripture and for his fellow Christians, this is a thoughtful, non-confrontational and significant book." Bishop John Pritchard
  • "At last!  This is the book that so many within the Christian Church have been waiting for! I pray that this will mark a whole new chapter in the Church’s discussions on sexuality, and provide a much needed resource that will draw people into respectful dialogue with each other." Jayne Ozanne
  • "This is a visionary and prophetic book, a timely contribution to the current conversations in the church." Ven Nikki Groarke


  1. Getting my order in now - really looking forward to reading it, thank you for writing it.


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