how do you speak to a gay person?
One of the things that happens in the Church's conversations with/about/to gay people, is that they are rarely conversations with/about/to people. We are an "issue". Now this is - of course - completely understandable. If you are straight (and most people are) then homosexuality in the Church, in the family, in the workplace, in life, is an "issue". It may be an issue that comes very close. You may have very good gay friends. A close relative. And you may really want to understand. But for gay people, things (I speak personally, but I think this works as a pretty good general rule) feel a bit different. My life isn't an issue. It's my life. The same applies to an Australian. A disabled person. To someone who is left-handed or (God love them) ginger. There may be different distinguishing factors, but we are all people. It's amazing that this needs to be said, but it really does. I have watched in horror following the publication of Jayne O...