This week the Church of England College of Bishops (the larger gathering of all the English bishops) gather in Hertfordshire to make final decisions on how they will respond to the Living in Love and Faith process, and to decide what recommendations they will bring to General Synod in the New Year. It’s crunch time. Will they fudge the issue and consign LGBTQ+ people to more years of pain? Or will they finally repent of their failure and (as Jayne Ozanne powerfully writes ) at last decide to care for all their sheep? Equally? Living in Love and Faith (LLF) has been quite the thing. I’ve written on this site about it repeatedly . It has been a model of how not to do an inclusion project, with the power always held by a (vast) majority of straight people who have firmly known what is best for LGBTQ+ people at every turn, even when the LGBTQ+ people allowed into the room have cried out against them. And yet… And yet God is good. We are told that the numbers are against change. The Genera...