Last week I had the pleasure of spending time with a lay member of the C of E’s General Synod, a person I’d never met before, someone who spends their working life in a professional environment that prides itself on its inclusivity. We have a mutual friend who suggested we should speak - and, of course, in Christian life, it turns out out, lots of other mutual friends too! In the course of our conversation, this very wise and carefully thought-out person asked me what my hopes were for our current Church debates on sexuality. I replied in one of the many ways I reply to such questions, with a broad brush statement. I said I hoped that eventually I would be seen as an equal human being. This took my conversation partner by surprise. Honestly, he said, he’d come across all sorts of things, but he'd never come across anyone who wouldn’t want to see gay people as equal humans. Really? I replied. There are genuinely moments when I feel like the three-eared rabbit t...